Small Python script witch can make 2d from selected 3D objects in Blender. Useful for furniture. For 2D I use qCad (free version).
import bpy, os
# get the current selection
selection = bpy.context.selected_objects
# initialize a blank result variable
element_width = "-x"
element_height = "z"
list_dims = []
# Put Origin to middle
#bpy.ops.object.origin_set( type = 'ORIGIN_GEOMETRY' )
bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True)
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_VOLUME', center='MEDIAN')
# iterate through the selected objects
for sel in selection:
# get the current object's dimensions
dims = sel.dimensions
# fix dimensions
a = dims.x*1000
b = dims.y*1000
c = dims.z*1000
# fix locations
lcx = sel.location.x*1000
lcy = sel.location.y*1000
lcz = sel.location.z*1000
w = 0
h = 0
lx = 0
ly = 0
x_and_width = {
# w, lx
"x": [round(a, 1), round(lcx - a/2, 3)],
"y": [round(b, 1), round(lcy - b/2, 3)],
"z": [round(c, 1), round(lcz - c/2, 3)],
"-x": [round(a, 1), round(-(lcx) - a/2, 3)],
"-y": [round(b, 1), round(-(lcy) - b/2, 3)],
"-z": [round(c, 1), round(-(lcz) - c/2, 3)]
y_and_height = {
"x": [round(a, 1), round(lcx - a/2, 3)],
"y": [round(b, 1), round(lcy - b/2, 3)],
"z": [round(c, 1), round(lcz - c/2, 3)],
"-x": [round(a, 1), round(-(lcx) - a/2, 3)],
"-y": [round(b, 1), round(-(lcy) - b/2, 3)],
"-z": [round(c, 1), round(-(lcz) - c/2, 3)]
celX = x_and_width[element_width]
celY = y_and_height[element_height]
list_dims.append( [ celX[0], celY[0], celX[1], celY[1] ] )
prnt_rect_funct = """
function rect(x, z, m){
var doc = getDocument();
var pList = [new RVector(0,0), new RVector(x,0), new RVector(x,z), new RVector(0,z)];
var poly = new RPolyline(pList, true);
var polyData = new RPolylineData(poly);
var n = new RPolylineEntity(doc, polyData);
move(n, m);
for x in list_dims:
print("rect(", x[0], ", ", x[1], ",", "[", x[2], ", ", x[3], "])")